UNITO is one of the oldest university of Italy; it is ranked 1stamong Italian universities with other five, and among the top 200 universities in the world for Shanghai ARWU. It is 4thfor Times Higher Education and 5thfor US News Best Global (International ranking, 2014). The teaching staff includes more than 2000 professors and researchers. In the academic year 2015/16, over 18.500 freshmen have chosen one of the 149 bachelor or degree courses offered by UNITO. The graduates are approximately 12.000 every year (8.500 at 1stlevel and 3.500 at 2ndlevel). In 2014/15, the incoming and outgoing Erasmus students were 509 and 910, respectively. Many cooperation and international activities of UNITO are currently run by the CISAO, founded in 2002 as centre for cooperation with Sahelian and West African countries and, since 2012, recognized as an interdepartmental centre of UNITO for research and technical and scientific cooperation with African countries. The following departments of UNITO belong to CISAO: Earth Science; Veterinary; Chemistry; Agriculture Forestry and Nutrition; Politics; Economics; Law. Aim of the CISAO is to strengthen the relationships between UNITO and African universities or research centres for agriculture, energy, politics, economics and social sciences. The staff works following a multidisciplinary approach for their teaching and research activities, which include animal breeding and plant cultivation; soil and water science; sustainable management of natural resources; characterization of food and food chains; protected areas management; marketing of foods and feeds; food quality legislation; etc. The major themes are the primary production, the industrial processing of plant and animal products, and the interactions of these activities with the territory and the environment, taking into account both the economic and the environmental aspects.