The Department of Animal Science and Aquaculture (ASA) is part of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA). The University was founded on 1920 and it is the first Higher Education School in Agriculture and the third oldest University in Greece. The purpose of ASA is to train highly skilled scientists capable in applying the principles of biology, technology and economics in issues related to the production and maintenance of farm animals as well as aquatic farming. The scientific fields entertained within the Department are interdisciplinary as they combine animal breeding and husbandry, genetics, nutrition, physiology, molecular biology, hygiene, biotechnology, economics and ethology. The theoretical training is accompanied by lab practice, field practice in the Experimental Animal Station and Aquarium of the Department. In the 5 years up to 2011, there were 62 research projects, completed or in progress. Specifically, the department participated in 16 EU projects and 21 domestically supported works, of which 8 were funded by industry. In addition, programs have been funded by international sources including foreign universities and EU programs. The faculty of the Department has research collaborations with other academic units of the University and other domestic institutions (e.g., Department of Biology, University of Athens) and outside Greece (e.g., University of Reading, Rowett Institute, Mansura University in Egypt, Queen’s University in Belfast, and Veterinary School of Hanover in Germany). The Department has developed contacts with cultural, social and economic groups, such as the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food, Local Governments, Public Welfare Institutions, private industry and producer associations. The Department encourages such collaboration by organizing events that demonstrate its scientific achievements in order to develop new collaborations.