7th REEV-Med General Assembly


Dr Daniele De Meneghi, member of CISAO_UniTo, CLICHA partner, has partecipated in the 7th REEV-Med General Assembly (REEV-Med: Mediterranean Network of Establishments for Veterinary Education; http://www.reev-med.org) coupled with the Mediterranean Veterinary Congress, in Kirikkale (Turkey). The venue was at the Veterinary Faculty, Kririkkale University, on 13-14 December 2018. Dr De Meneghi gave a presentation on CLICHA project providing an overview of the activities so far carried out by the CLICHA network, including experiences gained and good practices applied in project management.  The presentation raised interest amongst participants, questions were asked and a fruitful discussion took place.

MEDVET2018-Proceedings Book